Category: Recommendation

Want to be an Invoice Ninja?

Over the past decade I've had experience with a number of different invoicing / time tracking / accounting services. I'm excited to say I have finally found one I'm fully prepared to recommend -- Invoice Ninja. If you want to try out Invoice Ninja right now...
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Leaping into Grav

We've taken the plunge! The Creative Logic Tech Solution website is now fully powered by Grav! We've taken our current site powered by WordPress and fully rebuilt using Grav CMS. Not only that, we also tweaked and improved both the design and functionality a...
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Affinity is the Future

Warning: this is an opinion piece. Over the past two plus years I’ve become increasingly frustrated and disappointed with Adobe Photoshop. Okay, if I’m really honest and remembering the past correctly I was never a big fan. I actually used Gimp when I first...
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